Not sure where to begin with estate planning? This post is all about knowing and understanding the value of your property when planning an estate. Estate planning is extremely detailed…
Want to know how appraisers look for comparable sales? This post is all about the details of running comps for real estate appraisal. Figuring out what a house is worth…
What is appraiser pressure? This post is all about what not to say to the appraiser... and also what you can say to get your point across. There's a fine…
Do you live near a Superfund site contaminated with Forever Chemicals that's been "cleaned-up"? This post is all about how pfas / forever chemicals impacts the value of your home.…
Do you assume the person coming to your house is a qualified appraiser or, do you ask questions? This post is all about the qualified appraiser: How to be sure…
Inheritance Taxes - first you need to know what what the property is worth. This post will explain what you need to know about the value of real estate when…
Solar Energy...want to learn more about the most popular type of alternative energy in the Philadelphia Metro housing market? This post is all about the property value impact of solar…
Want to know how we figure out what an unusual home is worth? This post is all about tips on how to find comparable sales for unique property appraisal that…
Want to know how and when condition ratings affect home value? This post is all about what happens to market value when the property condition is ignored, a priority or…