With the interest rates no longer at 2-3%, many home buyers, home owners and realtors are beginning to expand their options and are dealing with the FHA appraiser again for…
Want some inspiration for converting your garage? Here are 13 garage conversion ideas + learn about 5 big mistakes to avoid that every homeowner should know. It's really cool to…
Want to know the 3 most important questions to ask when looking for the right real estate appraiser? I am sharing the secret to exactly how to find the right…
Want to know how to respond to a low appraisal? This post will show you exactly what to do when you receive an appraisal lower than purchase price or below…
Want to know how to check your Pa property tax records to know if you are paying too much? You will also learn the difference between tax assessment and the…
The purpose of the the appraisal usually sets the stage for who gets the appraisal report first. There are many reasons that an appraisal is required and as a general…
Why and when adding a bedroom makes a difference in the value of your home. You might be surprised to learn that adding a bedroom doesn't automatically add value. Additionally,…
Did you know there are 3 important dates of an appraisal? #1 - The Date of Appraisal Inspection This is the day the home appraiser will arrive, measure your house,…
All markets are not the same and high value home trends often look a bit different. The house sale terms and conditions, how long it takes to sell and the…
It's your house (or will be your house) so it makes sense that you would want to choose the appraiser. Sometimes that's possible and sometimes it's not. This answer is…