Want some inspiration for converting your garage? Here are 13 garage conversion ideas + learn about 5 big mistakes to avoid that every homeowner should know. It's really cool to…
Want to know how to respond to a low appraisal? This post will show you exactly what to do when you receive an appraisal lower than purchase price or below…
Want to know how appraisers value new construction homes in the Philadelphia area? This post is all about the appraisal process of new construction homes. Appraising new construction homes is…
All markets are not the same and high value home trends often look a bit different. The house sale terms and conditions, how long it takes to sell and the…
You were prepared for the inspection but, what will be in the report? You have just received an email with your appraisal... and it's so long! Where do you begin…
There are 3 types of items you may need to repair when getting a home appraisal. The home appraiser comes to your house and the next thing you know you…
Do you know how to measure a house seems like a silly question, right? But, there are a lot of misconceptions about what is included in the square footage of…